
CS 70 at UC Berkeley

Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory

Lecture: MTWTH 3:00pm-4:30pm PDT, Zoom

Instructor Khalil Sarwari

khalil.sarwari (at) berkeley (dot) edu

Office Hours: TuTh 4:30-5:30 pm

Instructor Patrick Lutz

pglutz (at) berkeley (dot) edu

Office Hours: F 8-10 am

Instructor Shahzar

shahzar (at) berkeley (dot) edu

Office Hours: M 8-9 pm, W 7-8 pm

Week 5 Overview

Continuous Probability


There is no textbook for this class. Instead, there is a set of comprehensive lecture notes. Make sure you revisit the notes after every lecture. Each note may be covered in one or more lectures.

When you read the notes, try covering up the proofs and examples and working through them yourself. Only continue reading the notes once you have either figured things out for yourself or gotten stuck. This will give you a much deeper understanding of the material than if you read passively.

See Policies for more information.



Discussions will be held over Zoom. The discussion sections are specifically designed to consolidate the material covered in lectures and in the notes. It is highly recommended that you attend all discussions each week. There will be three types of discussion sections: two large discussion sections per day which anyone may attend whenever they want to, a number of small discussion sections which you must sign up for, and pre-recorded discussion videos uploaded to YouTube. If you sign up for a small discussion section, make sure you attend it since TA hours are limited. All discussion sections will cover the same material. See Policies for more information.



There will be weekly required homeworks, again designed to consolidate your understanding of the course material. It is highly recommended that you attempt all homeworks. Your lowest homework score will be dropped, but this drop should be reserved for emergencies. No additional allowances will be made for late or missed homeworks: please do not contact us about missed homeworks or late submissions. See Policies for more information.


Lecture Schedule
